Ringing This Week at Ecclesfield Ringing Centre
On this page we will list the times when general ringing will be taking place during the next 7 to 10 days. Ringers and visitors are always welcome unless it specifically says undisturbed ringing so please come up the tower.
If there is a Peal or Quarter Peal booked it will be listed here but these are continuous periods of ringing with no visitors, thanks.
Ringing times in brown text, taking place on the Multibell Simulator will not create any bell sounds from the tower.
Ringing for Sunday Service, 09.15 to 10.00 - you are welcome to join us.
Tuesday Practice night, ringing from 19.30 to 21.00. Please contact us by email to check if a practice is taking place before travelling. We are low on numbers at the moment and practices can be cancelled at short notice.
Contact Us
You can email us at: ecclesfieldtower@hotmail.co.uk
A Bellringers Prayer
Almighty God may the sound of these bells
Which we ring to thy glory
Cheer the sick, comfort the sorrowful
Warn the heedless and call all willing hearts
To prayer and praise
Through Jesus Christ our Lord