This is the latest news from Ecclesfield Ringing Centre in 2024

26/06/2024 - Peal Rung at Ecclesfield

Members of the Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers rang a peal in the morning. 5000 Bristol Surprise Royal in 2 hours and 58 minutes.  More information with this link to Bellboard

06/06/2024 - Ring Out for Peace

The bells were ringing tonight for the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings and as part of the Ring Out for Peace. 

08/04/2024 - Peal Rung at Ecclesfield

Members of the Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers rang a peal in the evening. 5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal in 3 hours and 15 minutes.  More information with this link to Bellboard.

Yorkshire Association  of Change Ringers Branch Training Afternoon.

02/03/2024 - Ecclesfield became the venue for the Sheffield Branch of the YACR to hold a training day. The methods chosen for  extra tuition and help were Stedman Triples and Caters, and Grandsire Caters.  Teachers, helpers and students from around the branch and beyond took advantage of the facilities and put the 10 bells to good use for two hours. At the same time another course was taking place at Holy Trinity Wentworth for Call Changes and Plain Hunt.