This page lists all the latest news items from Ecclesfield Ringing Centre posted in 2021. Each new year we archive the previous year's news which can be found by using the page links on the left. Some of the links on the archived pages may not work if the website's URL has changed since the archive page was created.
16/12/2021 - Peal
Members of the Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers rang a peal of 5039 Grandsire Caters in 3 hours and 18 minutes. More information with this link to Bellboard
12/12/2021 - Quarter Peal
A quarter peal was rung after the morning service. 1260 Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles in 42 minutes. The ringers at Ecclesfield would like to dedicate this quarter peal to the memory of John Fryer.
September 2021
Ringing as usual now for Sunday service and practice on Tuesday evening. Still need people to wear a face covering unless exempt and hand sanitiser on entering the ringing room, thanks.
30 July 2021
Our team is ringing again for Sunday services but not for practices at the moment. We have agreed to continue wearing face coverings when ringing.
May 2021
Our bells will start ringing again for Sunday services starting on Sunday 23rd May. Due to Covid guidance only 6 bells will be rung and might sound a bit unusual as the ringers have to observe social distancing.